Protect Your Assets Common Types of Fraud in P2P Cryptocurrency Trading and Prevention Measures


7 months ago

Common Types of Fraud in P2P Cryptocurrency Trading and Prevention Measures

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts engaging in peer-to-peer (P2P) trading should be vigilant against various fraudulent schemes that scammers employ. Understanding these scams and implementing preventive measures is crucial to safeguarding assets. Here are common types of fraud in P2P cryptocurrency trading and tips on how to avoid them:

Fake Receipts


Fraudsters may send fabricated bank receipts to convince sellers they have already transferred funds. They claim the funds will be released to the seller’s wallet only after the cryptocurrency is sent.


  • Always verify payment receipt before sending cryptocurrency.
  • Resist pressure to expedite cryptocurrency transfers; ensure you receive payment before sending crypto.



Scammers may pose as OKX representatives, urging users to send their cryptocurrency to avoid freezing promptly. They might use contact information obtained through email or phone numbers provided during payments.


  • Refrain from transferring assets to individuals claiming to be OKX employees.
  • Confirm that all OKX emails originate from the official domain (
  • Enable anti-phishing codes for OKX emails to distinguish genuine communications.

transferring cryptocurrency

Social Engineering


Social engineering involves manipulating victims into canceling or confirming transactions. Scammers may fake issues with verification or accounts, convincing victims to cancel orders after funds are transferred.


  • Do not cancel P2P transactions if you’ve already initiated a bank transfer.
  • Resist intimidation tactics; gather evidence of interactions for OKX platform support.

Chargeback Scams


Scammers exploit payment platforms with chargeback capabilities to cancel initial payments in P2P transactions. They rely on victims approving transactions before verifying funds in their bank accounts or crypto wallets.


  • Avoid payment platforms like PayPal that support chargebacks.
  • Carefully verify funds before marking a P2P transaction as “Payment Received.”

Cash Payment Scams in Face-to-Face Meetings


Users trading cryptocurrency for cash in face-to-face meetings may face risks such as receiving counterfeit money or not receiving payment while the scammer keeps the crypto.


  • Choose safe public places for in-person transactions.
  • Verify exact cash amounts before transferring cryptocurrency.
  • Attend meetings with a trusted individual; avoid solo encounters.

By staying informed about these scams and implementing preventive measures, individuals can create a more secure environment for P2P cryptocurrency trading on the OKX platform.