Ethics Policy

Ethics Policy


At Buhund Token, we believe in the transformative potential of Web3 to empower creators, fostering a diverse community that uplifts all. As pioneers in technology and art redefine the creative economy, our mission is to tell their stories, leveraging technology to amplify their contributions. Our commitment to transparency, honesty, and impartiality is enshrined in the Buhund Token Editorial Ethics Policy. As our society and newsroom evolve, this policy is subject to updates to meet the highest standards.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Internally, Buhund Token actively promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are working with Web3 stakeholders to develop external-facing policies to be incorporated into our ethics policy in the coming months.

Our Promises to Readers

1. Responsibility for Content

We take full responsibility for all content produced and published on our platforms. If updates or corrections are necessary, they will be clearly noted with prominent disclaimers. We encourage feedback from audiences and stakeholders to continually improve.

2. Transparency about Funding

We will be transparent about our funding sources and revenue streams. Non-editorial content will be clearly labeled, and links in editorial content will serve editorial value, not merely commercial interests.

3. Editorial Independence

Our editorial choices and style remain independent of commercial influence. The Executive Editor, responsible for the newsroom, does not sell or own crypto, ensuring editorial independence. Editorial management has the final say on content, unaffected by external pressures.

4. Financial Disclosures

Editorial teams will not possess non-public knowledge of Buhund Token financial affiliations, relationships, or partnerships. Employees, freelancers, and contributors will not accept anything of value from entities they cover. Regular audits will ensure proper disclosures.

5. Sourcing and Attribution

We will be clear about information sources, attributing facts to relevant organizations or individuals with links whenever possible. The pseudonymity of credible sources will be respected, and unidentified sources will only be used in exceptional situations, approved by Editorial management.

6. Honesty and Impartiality

Accuracy goes beyond facts; it extends to seeking diverse perspectives for fair and impartial content. The Executive Editor ensures an unbiased approach. We adhere to an “off-the-record” policy for internal communications when reporting on Buhund Token.

7. Truthful Reporting

All claims and statements in our content are fact-checked and substantiated. Individuals or entities under scrutiny are given an opportunity to respond, with clear communication on their participation or lack thereof.

8. Coverage Criteria

Established policies guide our coverage decisions, ensuring fair representation without providing a platform to figures causing tangible harm.

Official Disclaimers

1. Revenue and Advertisements

  • Presented by: Content made possible through direct support but without editorial oversight.
  • Sponsored Content/In Partnership With: Collaboration with advertisers in limited ways, with no control over content.
  • Affiliate Content: Contains affiliate links, enabling Buhund Token to receive commissions on purchases.
  • #ad or #partner: Social media tag indicating collaboration with advertisers without content control.

2. Editor’s Notes

  • Correction: Updates made for accuracy are clearly noted with a correction disclaimer.
  • Update: Additional information or commentary added post-publication, not affecting original accuracy, is outlined with an update disclaimer.
  • AI Disclaimer: Content created in collaboration with an AI system is disclosed.

3. Conflicts of Interest

  • Disclaimer: Actual or potential conflicts of interest, such as covering investors or advertisers, will be disclosed.